Ladies & gentlemen I'm sitting here with the one & only "I-Hate-You" and I gotta say thanks for taking time to do this interview for SOHH Unofficial.
Yeah, yeah, whatever, get to the questions.
Great. Lets get right into this.. When did you start posting on SOHH.com?
Early 2000 under my MicMechanic36 username......IHY was created in June 2000.
Why the name "I-HateYou"?
Because I Hate You
Excellent. Now be honest with me. Do you have alias's?
An SOHH misconception. I had about 6-7 aliases in my time, but I was very upfront with them. Currently....I don't have any that nobody knows about.
You sure about that?
*pours out some liquor for Jay-Z's Penis* I'm very sure about that...didn't you get it the first time motherfucker?
I noticed you poured out some liquor for Jay-Z's penis. Elloborate on that.
Jay-Z's Penis.......a dear friend to all SOHHers. He ripped the fuck out of KRomeleoN in a mic fight......too bad he's gone. He never got a chance to drop "The Bluevein"
What's your thoughts on Hip Hop today?
Today? Sucks.
Any favorites?
Is this a question that even has to be asked?
Answer the question.
Seriously, we all know this.
OK Lets move on then. How do you feel about Canada?
Canada? Sucks.
What's the deal with this wicked rumor about you posting 868962375369 times a day?
It's not a rumor. Its the truth. Nah man. It kills me how people try to clown for having a lot of posts. I have this many posts, people automatically give you the "no life" tag. Truth is, I've juggled school, work, a woman, and my ego for a while now. Its not hard to average 30 posts a day. You figure it only takes a minute to respond to a thread, I just happen to respond to a lot of threads in a short period of time, nothing more, nothing less.
Do you feel people hate you on the boards?
I mean, its the Internet. There's really nothing to hate on. Opposed to the general SOHH opinion, I can care less about the attention I get on the boards. Its funny, a lot of people attempt (and fail) to call me out on having no life and posting a lot on a message board, but they're sitting there trying to spark net beef over some dumb shit. A lot of people, whether they admit it or not, want to have their name known and recognized on the boards as much as somebody like me, and they usually come reaching for King You's throne to attempt to get it there.
Have you had any sexual relations with a female board member?
Felicia, thats it.
How was it?
Widest pussy in history. She was terrible. Her blow job wasn't even good.
Wow that's huge news. No others?
Not for me. Horrible memory. If I masturbate, does that mean I've had sex with my aliases?
Who's asking the questions here?
Regis Philban
Are you a raging alcoholic?
Nah, but I do drink a lot and zone out into violent outbursts.
Now I just wanna let my readers know that I was rudely approached by you at 6 this morning. It is now 6: 40 and you demanded that I do this interview now. What's your problem?
I have no life and I post 1,000,000 times a day. What did you expect?
True. How do you feel about most people on the boards? Anyone that you have "beef" with?
Fuck these corny motherfuckers.
All of them?
Nah, we have some cool members, but fuck those corny fucks still tryna do that net beef shit.
Now there seems to be this misconception on SOHH. Apparently there are a lot of self proclaimed "KINGS". Is there conflict between such members?
Nah, because we all know who the true king is.
Who? ............ Nevermind.
Thats what I was thinking....
Im gonna spit some words.. You give me your thoughts...
Abortion (Hot topic on SOHH)
Anybody who doesn't like the Gza
the Gza
OK.. Obviously you're mind is open on such subjects. Lets move on.. Why don't you give me & my readers some background info. Tell us some shit about you.
Thats pretty fuckin gay
you smelly motherfucker
excuse me.
bless you
yes...i am
the funny part is that it actually smells like shit over here.
you shit your pants?
no, I eat shit
oh, well that aint that bad.
nah, just a little hot sauce and I'm good to go
Just eat spicy food the day before.
yeah, but theres nothing like pouring a bottle of hot sauce on your grub. It makes you feel like a man.
True. I have found that doing so puts hair on my chest
Fuck, thats why I look like a fuckin ape. Gotta quit that hot sauce usage.
Yeah. Have you tried the pickle juice method?
What's that do? Make your dick bigger?
No that's peanut oil. Pickle juice shrinks the penis.
Ahhhhh, I always knew there was a reason I hated pickles.
Indeed. You're very controversial. VERY controversial... Do you shoot for that?
No, I don't. People just have a problem hearing things they don't particularly want to hear.
So what you're saying is.. You say things people don't want to hear?
The truth. IHY speaketh the truth.
I can feel that. The truth does hurt. Do you feel you're "keeping it real" & a lot of these cats are just fake?
I'm keeping it as real as it gets on the Internet. Thats where it stops. You can't get too serious about the Internet. A lot of SOHHers are interested in maintaining a solid rep with other members, but I don't really care for all that.
There's been some serious discussions on "The Spot" as of late. One is "Abortion". What's your feeling towards that subject?
Your mother should have had one.
What about the "Death Penalty"?
We did not give life, we are not the ones to take it. Then again, I can't really say because it might be different if it were something that affected my family or those close to me. It has its pros and cons.
How do you feel about Pakistani Canadien Rappers? Paki Canadien rappers? Fog's from Canada?
Have you met GZA?
yes, spiritually.
How was it?
We played mental chess, he kicked my ass, it was an honor.
Any female on this board worth "the pipe"? Besides Felicia..
Plenty of them make me want to hit a crack pipe. The women on SOHH are generally fuckin idiots. You can bold this in your interview.
So you smoke crack now?
No, no smoking crack for me.....at least not yet.
Busta Rhymes
More word association? Anybody who doesn't like Busta Rhymes is a fuckin faggot.
I see. So what you're saying is Busta Rhymes is the greatest?
the 10th greatest
Does Richard Gere mean anything to you?
I saw his naked penis in a movie one time. First time I had ever seen full frontal male nudity in a movie.
SOHH Unofficial has gotten great reviews as of late. One of the many rquests that show up is this interview. How do you feel about that?
Care to reveal any names?
Not really.
Then it doesn't mean a damn thing.
You have no love?
I love to hate.
I see. Ever think of jumping to the Al-Queda?
Nah, but if they ever decide they want to start taking out Canadians and Jews, I'm down.
They HAVE been taking out Jews.
Okay, thats true. Go ahead and call me John Walker Lindh Jr.
Ok. So John please tell us.. What's in the future for a man like yourself?
I will leave my mark out there.
By taking a shit on the world.
Have you ever been gay-curious?
I don't believe you, You need more people.
Rocafella, stupid of the game, we pass...blah blah blah
What's your feelings toward this site?
SOHH? or the Unofficial joint?
You created it on your own?
I started it on my own, yes.
It sucks. Actually, its a pretty funny site.
Thanks asshole.
No problemo
What about SOHH.com?
SOHH is okay. It used to be really fun to visit, but its rather boring these days.
Any closing statements?
Yes. Its my turn to ask the questions now.
Huh? Ummm ok shoot.
Hi Wiz, welcome to your own interview. How are you feeling?
I'm good thanks. Yourself?
I'm asking the questions now, but I'm okay, thank you. So when did YOU start coming to SOHH.com?
Sometime in 2001 I believe. Came in with Wikkid Wiz and I will finish with Wikkid Wiz.
What if you actually grow some balls and end up getting banned?
I'm actually getting close.
How is this?
I can't speak on that.
You must.
I can't.
I doubt anybody cares anyways, lets move on.
Thing you like most about SOHH and your biggest gripe with SOHH?
I like the discussions. Even the stupid discussions.My biggest gripe with SOHH are the 12 year olds who claim to know everything about Hip Hop.
Don't you hate 30 year olds that claim they know everything too?
That can also be quite frustrating yes.
Favorite MC, Album, Song?
Don't really have a favorite. I take every artits for what they are. They all have they're strengths & weaknesses.
Absolutely hate any artists?
Not really. There's some I'd just rather not listen to but I can't say I hate them.
Thats weak, but we'll move on. SOHH: who's posts do you honestly enjoy?
I like yours. South Park Mexican is too funny. Tha Kneegrow...Thik is funny & that dude that always has to cuss to the point where you can barely read his posts... Depending on my mood. For serious convo there's a few like Jack Tripper who I would love to interview so if he's reading this... Get at me Jack!
Are you going to swallow him because he produced for CNN like everybody else?
Yes. Absolutely.
Do you like CNN?
Not really.
Noreaga sucks. Right?
Noreaga has a problem. His rhymes sometimes sound too simple. Actually most of the time. And Capone I can never get into. CNN has done thier share of ill tracks, dont get me wrong. But overall I don't see what the big deal is.
We're on the same page there. Okay, next question. Do you believe the West has been putting out weak shit for the last 5 years?
No and I'll tell you why. Most people on the East Coast don't look to the west anymore except for acts like Dre, Snoop, & Xzibit. But the west has always been there doing what they do. Most of the west is independant and made for west coast heads. I will never knock the west coast for thier music. I love thier music. They have a culture in itself. Not to mention they have a handful of rising stars like Crooked I.
Who's a better young talent than Crooked I?
On the East or West? or Both?
A better young talent than Crooked I? Hmmm.. Tough choice to make. There's a lot of young talents like Crooked I.
What's the last movie you saw?
The last movie I saw was "Black Hawk Down"
you like that shit?
Yeah it was good. I got dressed in BDU's and combat helmet to watch that.
ever do that when you're about to bone some broad?
At times when my penis is erect I normally dont reach for the BDU's and helmet. But at times I do have the urge to roleplay but just end up grabbing my meat helmet in my pants instead.
Oh. nWo vs. 4 Horsemen?
4 Horsemen. but the nWO is the greatest thing to happen since the 4 horsemen.
Carson Daly vs. AJ?
They both look homo.
Nike vs. Reebok?
Ham vs. Turkey?
IHY vs. the world
Tupac Amaru Shakur
yeah, I'd say that too.. McDonalds vs. Burger King?
Overall? BK. But the McDonalds double cheese is every ghetto's favorite.
Method Man vs. Bon Jovi?
Backstreet vs. NSync?
NSync easy.
Jesus Christ vs. God's Son
What's the difference?
*lol@wiz thinking theres no difference between Jesus Christ and Nas....you dickriders are all the same* Speaking of which, Ether vs. Takeover?
Ether. Takeover was still ill though.
"Vs. game" vs. "Word Association"
Good question. I think they equally get the job done.
Okay, we'll move on then.
Word association.
Theo Huxtable:
White people:
No problem with them.
A flat hot dog.
Felicia Palmer:
Dont really have much to say about her. Dont really know her that well. I know she always has negative articles about people. That's it. I think she needs to control the SOHH site a little bit better. Allowing Q to write about how KRS fans (who are SOHH members) are "close minded" & "foolish" isn't very professional. If that's thier opinion that's fine. But why would you wanna do that publically if you're trying to run a website for the members who make it what it is? Other than that I hope them the best.
Yeah, I hate her too. 1 more.... The Unofficial site:
I wanted to bring people a humorous website. Something that can bring some humor to the mess involving SOHH.com. My whole intention was to just make a shitty webpage just for shits & giggles. To be honest with you I thought I was gonna get heat for it. I've gotten nothing but positive comments about Unofficial and that's why I've expanded. I added Tha Kneegrow to the site to expand even more because I wanna do something for the people of SOHH. You won't find an ignorant webmaster over here. We talk to everyone and never deny anyone. I'm in SOHH chatrooms, I post on SOHH boards.. I aint hard to find. I dont charge people for ridiculous features that should be a given. I've never turned anyone away and that's why I think people enjoy the site even more. Because it's a part of them as much as it is us. They're involved.
Glad to hear that, keep up the work. Few more questions. Would you suck you mom's clit for a billion bucks?
Are you a loyal "Real World" watcher?
Not really no. I've caught a few episodes here & there but nothing major.
Ever click a link to a pic of a naked male celebrity just to see how they were hung?
Yes I have. I'm comfortable with my sexuality to do that. So do many more but don't admit it
If hip hop ended tomorrow, but they let ONE more artist release an LP, which artist would you want it from? (no compilations)
Wow. good question. Should be posted on the boards if not already.. Umm... I'd say KRS. Just because he's a legend in Hip Hop and has lived his life for Hip Hop. He's the pure definition of it. It started in the Bronx... and end in the Bronx.
What team was your first Starter Jacket?
The Boston Bruins. Never forget it.
Did you ever start wearing your clothes backwards?
Did you own Totally Krossed Out?
Yes I did.
Do you have one big dream or goal in sight?
I think the biggest fear is not being somebody. My goal is to do something with life. Even if I don't make headlines. I wanna be someone. Everyone is a star....you make it shine with whatever you do. Some never shine at all, and some shine real bright. I want my star to be right up there with the North Star. That doesnt mean being rich & famous. There's a differnce between rich & famous on tv & radio.. and rich & famous within yourself. And I already got that in me. Now it's time for the next step. However it may be. As long as I'm happy.
Very on point answer. On your headstone, you want it to say what?
My name & a big smile.
Good. Any shout outs or last words before we leave?
Yeah.. This is one of the most interesting interviews I've ever done. haha.. Everybody keep checkin up on this site and I wanna thank EVERYONE for thier support. Tha Kneegrow & I will try our best to give you what you want. I think we have reached new heights with this interview. Anything can happen I guess... I LOVE YOU ALL....and i wanna thank "I-Hate-You" for takin time for this interview again... enough respect.
Its all good, one.
Oh yeah, one more thing before we leave.
You're a fukkin homo, take me out of that gay ass shout out paragraph.
LMAO! peace asshole.
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