Young Dirty Bastard Interview

by: 7:30femmefatale

femme: YDB, thank you for coming out to give the SOHH community what they want (no homo). As I'm sure you're aware, this interview has been suggested and requested for close to a year now. How do you feel about that?

YDB: Honored

femme: I'm honored that you're honored. So let's get a little background info on YDB. How old are you, where are you from, and what do you do for a living (outside of your e-career).

YDB: I'm 20 years old I was born in Seattle in 1984, parents moved out to Southern California in 1997 been out here ever since, I volunteer at a local outreach community center and go to a technical school.

femme: Local outreach community center? So when do you get off probation?

YDB: Naw, Max does it for the kids, I understand the kids out here really don't got no parents to look up to nobody to idolize, they respect me and show me love

femme: What is the local hip-hop scene like around your stomping grounds?

YDB: We tend to support the local talent out here, Sly Boogie, Crooked I, etc. Don't get it twisted, don't let New York softees like Deeyo fool you, West Coast hip hop ain't dead, Just cuz the East don't hear it don't mean it ain't out there.

femme: I don't let softees from any coast fool me. It's refreshing to see you speak on hip-hop in a non-shocking way. I think what people really want to hear is some non-shock commentary from YDB as far as your musical tastes. What are the last few albums you purchased?

YDB: Dogg Food by the Dogg Pound, Quality Talib Kweli, God'Son

femme: Dogg Food? Recently purchased for the first time, or your most recent purchases have been within the last 10 years?

YDB: Naw haven't listened to it in a while, I use to have it though

femme: Outside of all your antics and shock posts, do you ever gain any insight on new music or artists from being part of SOHH?

YDB: Honestly no, only a few posters give me dope analysis on new music, no bias-ness just real talk, but posters like MindBlown irritate the hell outta me talkin about underground hip hop and how it's the , homie nobody gives a fuck about DJ Nitrogen and MC Metaphysics. Too many posters lack knowledge on the hip hop culture, that's why I'm here to try to educate these youngsters, not sound arrogant or anything.

femme: When/how/why did you join SOHH? Did you post on any other message boards prior to joining SOHH?

YDB: yeah, I use to post on the Nas BBS, till they banned me, I was on created a little buzz for myself, couldn't really get any shine stop postin for a while, then got bored one day and found this site out, joined in August 2001, got banned 2 months later, and toned my self down and came back hard (no homo) and became one of SOHH's elite

femme: So it seems as though you've always been a big fan of message boards. In regards to your Weekly Power Rankings on SOHH - Inquiring minds want to know: what methods or mechanisms do you use to keep such close tabs on poster's thread counts, number of posts per thread, etc. Do you use a Microsoft Office program of some sort?

YDB: Usually look at the first few pages of the spot, I judge it not only based on post count, but content as well. But I try to be as fair as possible, when it comes to the Bottom 10, i usually reserve that for the little people of SOHH, sure I bash them and laugh at there post counts, but me calling them out is instant publicity and we'll help them out in there next posts. But yeah, Power Rankings are not fixed, it's legit.
femme: Excellent. Some of the SOHH members weren't sure whether or not those Power Rankings threads were to be taken seriously, so thanks for that clarification.. Flipping the page here... what do you feel is your best sonning to date? Are there any members you haven't beefed with that you want to in the future?

YDB: Best sonning was RzaRector7, he was a respected poster at the time, then he dissed me, i came back at em and had everyone believin he was Korean, few weeks later he disappeared and now only shows up in the Coliseum, so yeah, Doc Pham was my favorite,206Pimp , Nalej,,also when I Ended CBRIGHT'S Career, I took his crown and beat him with it,.I tried to bait Jack Tripper a few months ago, but I figured there was no way i could defeat him cuz everytime i'd attack him he'd ban my ass., HarlemGunz is Next.

femme: What other names/aliases did you formerly post under, and is YDB your only current moniker on the boards?

YDB: Posters to this day claim i have 20 different aliases, truth is I have never created an alias, never have, never will, not a big fan of them. I was OnlineFelon back in 2002, but it wasn't an alias. Mods can clarify this.

femme: All right, that's cool. You refer to yourself as "Max Ricardo" on the boards. Where exactly did that name come from?

YDB: Max is a O.G. from my neighborhood, whom i look up to, he's well respected out here, people dont question his background, they dont question his authenticity, I feel like YDB is the same on SOHH. He got stripes and credentials on the streets, and I feel like YDB has stripes and credentials when it comes to the issues of hip-hop

femme: You seem to be knowledgeable about sports in your own twisted way. Have you or do you currently play any organized sports?

YDB: I played 2 years of high school basketball, I try to play on the weekends when i have a chance with people from my neighborhood, I head out to Venice Beach to hoop out there in the summer, gets real competitive out here.

femme: That's cool... Well, you can't talk about SOHH without mentioning the Movement. What are your thoughts about the Movement and their online antics?

YDB: Movement is a collection of no-name c-level posters joined together to make one group, they remind me of the Wu Tang Clan, as a group there affective, but solo wise, there wack. The movement is nothin more than a publicity stunt, immaturity at it's best. And god knows there isnt a human alive that thinks Camron or the Dipset or Nice on the Mic, so the Movement aint real. Honestly can you name one poster in the Movement?  but big up to Broken_Language, he's coo. 

femme: So no human alive thinks Cam'ron is nice on the mic? Quite a bold assertation.  So what posters do you feel are funny, cool peoples, witty, etc?

YDB: BlackPride is my favorite poster on sohh, he speaks the truth, Woggle is the funniest poster on sohh,7:30Femme, and HarlemGunz are coo too,Moustafa,,But the worst poster is hands down JaySherman, he's the Bob Saget of the board, Frasier Jokes that be flying over your head, and on top of that he has absolutely No knowledge of hip hop, 35 years old and still arguing online with teenagers. 
At that age I'd expect maturity and leadership from JaySherman, but wtf?? I doubt his kids even respect him

femme: Understood, but Jay Sherman is my homie. If you could change one thing about SOHH, what would it be?

YDB: The Joining Process: I'd have every member take a hip hop exam, if they cant pass that, dont let them join, people surf the board to gain knowledge on hip hop, get news, etc..we cant get that if we have posters with no knowledge on hip hop postin, like the Movement.  You have to interview posters about there backgrounds, what there experiences with hip hop are, do they have any stripes? credentials to speak on issues related to hip hop? etc.. and UK and Canadian fans would only be allowed to reply, not create new threads.

femme: LMAO! Can we do some word association?

YDB: sure

femme: good, GREAT, GRAND!

femme: Calendar
YDB: Death
femme: Bible
YDB: Important
femme: Platinum
YDB: Overrated
femme: Napkin
YDB: White
femme: Carpet
YDB: Burn
femme: Ankle
YDB: Iverson
femme: Peter Griffin
YDB: who
femme: just make something up
YDB: lol, aiight. Nas
femme: perfect answer.
femme: Terry Cloth
YDB: underrated

femme: Good stuff. Thank you for obliging us all with your personal sentiment and info.

YDB: No problem, just remember YDB is no alias, he's here to spread his knowledge on hip hop to those less fortunate.

femme:  Any final shoutsouts or fuck you's for anyone?

YDB: definetely

femme: Let's hear it.

YDB: Big up to Mastermind,JackTripper,Moustafa,BlackPride,Woggle, and big up to the Little People of Sohh, and a big fuck you to the Old Bums Kaodik and Jay Sherman, lol @ them livin there 2nd childhood on Sohh, fuck the Movement, might get banned but Fukk the Webmaster of the Spot for havin Record Sales updates instead of Real Hip Hop News. Props to 7:30Femmte, the Female YDB, Peace 1 Love.