-thik_3rd interview-

conducted & edited by Wiz

Thik I wanna say it's a pleasure for me to be sitting here interviewing you. Thanks for taking the time for this interview.

dont worry about it

When did you first hear about SOHH.com?

like late 2000

How's it been since then?

alright i didnt start posting until like a year after that

Why is that?

stupidity on my own part, i found the main site late 2000, but i dint find the forums tile early 2001. i made a name then, but lost the name and password, i then rediscovered sohh late 2001 and started posting regularly then.

Do you own rights to any alias's?

a handful, i had some that got some positive feedback, but i wasnt satisfied with them myself so i stopped using them.

You're a moderator on SOHH.com, correct?


Care to say which board?

the rec room

How's that gone?

alright im still new at it

You take this job very serious right?

to an extent. im talking about video games on the internet. its hard to take something of that nature too seriously.

Are you a gamer yourself?


What's the hot system right now? PS2, XBOX or Gamecube?

ps2 easily

Agreed. Any favorite games at the moment?

eternal darkness and moh: frontline

Lets get back to the boards. You're another poster who is controversial. You feel you're hated?

no. i dont know really. unless its undercover i dont know about it. ive had harsh words aimed at me often though.

Did you deserve it? Or was it just internet beef?

just internet beef. of course i dont deserve it, lol. most of the time kids on sohh cant stand the fact im always speaking my mind. a lot of the time ill say some shit that no one agrees with, and they just cant handle it.

Where could be found mostly on the boards? The Spot, Ladies Room, Rec Room?

the spot, thats where all the action is, ladies room and the rec room are kinda tied. i love the rec room but it doesnt see much action.

What's your thoughst on SOHH.com?

its cool still, but even since when i started coming here on the reg its fallen off. back in the days was like the glory days. a golden age i hear. but its still alright, i just come here to come here now, ya know. its part of my routine.

Tell us a bit about yourself. Where you from and all that good stuff.

originally im from houston but i live in pittsburgh now cuz i go to college here...... uhhh... what else are you looking for in that question?

How old are you?

im 20

Do you remember your first Hip Hop album?

epmd - strictly business on tape when i was 6 or 7

The memories. How do you feel about Hip Hop today?

i still like it, even though i know everyone else bitches about it, theres a hitload of talent out now, mainstream and underground.

Any favorites?

roscoe, ali vegas & icarus. they are the future. thats not all time though.

Ether vs. Takeover

im still up in the air about it :-)

haha.. Nas recently has done something a lot of cats have given mixed reviews on. What's your take on him no-showing HOT97's SummerJam and going on 105?

i dont really know, i havent followed it that closely, one thing i dont like about it is how nas assumes hes always on the moral high ground.

Who's the GOAT?


Producin GOAT?

rza i guess

Ever clip your toenails and watch MTV at the same time?

yes, i always watch tv whilst clipping my nails (toe or finger) and mtv is one of the 2 or 3 channels i watch.

What about BET?

thats one of the others.

How do you feel about Pakistani Canadien Rappers?

they make me feel like beached whale.

Do you feel you're one with nature?

no, i dont like the outdoors.

Really? Why is that?

too many bugs, too hot, too cold, snowy, rainy, poisonous monkies...

Those monkey's are gully. Ever capture one?

no, they dont exist. monkeys are mammals, mammals cant be poisonous.

Why you tryin to show off?

im not sure what youre drining at.

OK OK.. Lets move on. Where did you get your name from?

its a typo, i meant to type think-3rd.

Oh. lol.. OK. So you just kept it?


What if I was to slap your toes off right now?

why dont ya tough guy? lets find out.

*slaps Thik_Third*

*runs home crying*


when do we go on air?

We have been.

most of these sounds arent being emitted by me.

Don't try to hide now. Anyways lets continue this interview shall we?


You ever get bit by a car?

no, never.

Ever hit anybody with your car?

i dont have one.

A bike?

i dont know how to ride a bike.

Have you tried training wheels?

yes but after i took them off i couldnt cope.

Have you ever done drugs?

lets not beat around the bush. yes.

Care to elloborate on these drug habits?

only if you want me to. weed, codiene and one time i did x.

Are you a lush aswell?

not really, i binge drink once in a while. but thats about it. i drink once or twice a month, but when i do, i do it til i puke my brains out.

I've noticed. Any ladies you wanna bend over and fuck the shit shooter on SOHH?

fuck the shit shooter? no, anal sex is digusting. thats not to say there arent a few decnt braods on sohh.

Like who?

anita, ebony c. off the top of the head thats it.

Any poster on SOHH aggravate you?

half of the dipshits on the board aggravate me. im sure the feeling is mutual though, im a dick.

Excellent. Right now I'm actuallu interviewing 2 people at teh same time believe it or not. Yourself & Terrorwrist. What's your feelings towards Terrorwrist?

hes funny as hell. ive only heard one verse by him i think. hes cool, his taste in music isnt. say "hi" to him for me.

Done. He says "hola"

ok then

Back to you. Would you suck your own cock if you could?

what makes you think i cant?

You can suck your own cock?


I see. Ever think about having sex with a teacher while you were in school?

yes. 10th grade chem teacher. Ms Pacetti holla!

"VS." game time


Method Man vs. Ghostface Killah




Beyonce vs. J. LO

i cant call it, next

Coke vs. Pepsi


Theaters vs. Wait till it comes on video/DVD


Ever wipe your ass and look at your shit?

always, how else will you know if youre finished?

True. Ever drink your own urine?

even id i did, do you think id say yes?

True. What's your thoughts on SOHH Unofficial?

its cool. the interviews are the best part. :-). you need to work on the rest.

Any suggestions or ideas on what you would like to see?

how bout a suggestions/ideas page on the site so i can get back to you later on that.

Excellent idea. Anybody you wanna shoutout? or give the bird to?

shoutouts? - no, cuz theyll think im on their dick. fuck offs? -no, thik luh da kids.

Word.. Any closing statements before we wrap this up?


And there you have it. I wanna thank you again for joining me.
