-terrorwrist interview-

conducted & edited by Wiz

First off like I always do, I wanna thank you Terrowrist for taking time for this interview.

No doubt, thanks for having me do it.

My pleasure. Now lets get serious. When did you first start posting at SOHH.com?

I started in uhh....around the summer of 2000 I think. I used to fuck around in the album discussion forum thing....then moved onto the spot eventually. You can get some good info there, I like to promote there, etc etc...funny shit.

Speaking of promotion. You're an MC as we all know. When did you first start rhyming?

I started rhyming in 1993, when I was 13. Nothing serious, some freestyle stuff. I got started just freestyling at my friends to annoy them and at school and shit. There was really no hip hop scene where I was comming up, and I was pretty much alone on this. I started writing a little after that. I used to loop breaks from the ends of rap songs on a tape deck, and record with a 2nd tapedeck. Some of my old tapes from like 94 are so corny and wack its hilarious, those will never see the light of day.

Haha. I believe everyone starts off wack. Is this something you always wanted to do?

When I first started getting into hip hop when I was around 10, I never really thought about it. Once I started getting into it, it was cool. I stopped for a while and didn't start again till I was motivated by the hip hop scene at Rutgers when I went to college. That got me started again. After a year or so of doing it again I started getting more serious, and wanted to do something with it. Then I won the Rutgers battle tournament this past October. I took a step back like, woa this shit is for real, and started getting REAL serious to the point I'm at now. So, its not something I ALWAYS wanted to do, but once I got into doing it I got hooked.

That's ill. You're working on an album now right?

The album's done. Its been done musically for a while. "ILLECTRICITY" is the title, SOHH should know that by now. Its completely produced by me, I did all the turntable work, and there's only 2 guest spots. Its definatly on a different vibe and style than most of the shit you hear comming out. Its probably gonna suprise some people. I've done other albums before when I wasn't taking shit as seriously as I do now, but this is my official indie debut piece. Just waiting on packaging right now really. Shit can be a bitch. But as my man Pumpkinhead put it to me "welcome to the industry".

That's right. You do everything? From Production to turntablism to rhyming? Everything?

Well, I dont' do EVERYTHING! I got people's helping me out on other stuff. Like my man OUTTHERE is doing the graphics for my album, he's sick with that. And Akonartist did the Otha Ish Productions logo. He hooked that up nicely. But on the music end I hold it down myself. When I started I didn't know too many other people doing the shit, so I basically started producing out of necessity. I was tired of rhyming over other cats beats. Then the turntable shit was just on some...I wanted it shit. But, I didn't feel like needing someone else to do it for me. So I went out and bought a table and tought myself some cuts. I'm a lot better now at it then most of the cuts on the album show, but it still came out nicely.

You mentioned OUTTHERE. You're from New Jersy like a lot MC's on the SOHH board like Venom, OUTTHERE, John Brown.. You all are affiliated?

Basically. I'm basically an honorary member of Outthere's New Jeruz camp. Thats why you see the logo on my album cover. Plus you'll definatly hear me on his upcomming Kat Klaw Producitons project. I'm also gonna be on John Brown song in the works called The Secret Six, shit's ill. Don't be suprised if you see Otha Ish Productions work on other Jersey projects in the next few years. Me and Venom have been friends for years. Me,him, and our boy Intellect used to be a group a few years back, but musically them and me were headed in very different directions so we split. Me and Venom arn't dont' work together muscially anymore, but thats my boy. We still chill and all that, we just hate each others music really.

Interesting. You put me on a bunch of stuff from yourself to OUTTHERE to John Brown. I wanna thank you for that because yall are doin some ill shit.

Haha no doubt. I try to spread the word. Out is a sick ass producer, and he's probably one of the best artists I've heard do introspective style songs EVER. John is a sick ass MC. He's the kinda cat you gotta be ready to step your game up if you're gonna spit with him.

No doubt! Give them my respect. What are your feelings on Hip Hop today?

Hip Hop is ...somethin'. I dunno. I was at the Rocksteady Cru anniversery weekend last weekend, and that was a great experience. I never had the chance to go do that before. Just being around so many people that appreciated the culture at its roots was a great experience. Hip Hop is definatly alive and well and all that, but at the commercial level I think its been suffering. You got kids today who dont' even know who KRS One is until Nelly mentions him, and these kids think they're hip hop! It might seem like a chore, but most new listeners should research hip hop's beginnings and experience it in various ways more so than they do. You got people thinking for something to be hip hop, it has to be on the thug tip, and on some crime shit, and its so far from the truth. Too many people who claim they're down with hip hop are actually just infactuated with the thug IMAGE a lot of cats portray. That word IMAGE is very key here. Lemme say tho... I have no problem with thug style rap as long as its done tight. I loved Cormega's "The Realness", havn't heard his new one yet. I used to be a big Onyx fan. ANYTHING can be dope as long as its done right, but tooooooo many cats just wanna see how thuggin' a person can be rather than see how good the music they can make is.

You're on point there. Wanna give us a little background on yourself?

Sure. Umm...well, I was born in 1980 in Port Jervis,NY. When my parents got divorced I moved with my mom to the Catskills area of upstate NY. That place is dead and wack. I hated most of my upbrining. I was real sheltered, I'll put it that way. When I graduated high school I went to college at Rutgers and have been living in Jersey since. I love the hip hop scene here. I failed out of Rutgers twice cuz I really really really hated it. So after that I called it quits and just live in the real world now. As far as other background goes..for one thing, I am NOT Jewish. I was raised christian for a while by my mom, but not too seriously. I'm a full blown athiest now. Hmm what else about me.....I've been in and out of therapy since I was around 12. My mind isn't all there, but I think it contributes to my music. I've done everything from group, to school counseling to prozac. I'm an odd person, I dunno what else to say about my background.....I'm 5'7'' and pretty.

I seen your album cover and I gotta say it gets the "GULLY" stamp from us here! Great work. OUTHERE did that?

Yea Outthere did that. The whole grimey electircal socket thing was my concept, but he made it happen beutifully. I musta thought about what the cover of my album should be for months before I had any idea. There's a lot of symbolism behind it.

No doubt. When is your album droppin?

I'm pushing for an August 13th street date right now. This has to be the 4th date or so that I've put out there. But this one looks pretty solid. Lemme also add this is the first official release from the OTHA ISH PRODUCTIONS camp.

You have a website you wanna plug for your album release?

I'm only fuckin' with the MP3.com site right now. Thats at www.mp3.com/terrorwrist . You can hear 3 cuts from the album on there right now, might add more later, who knows....but the info for copping the album and all that will be up there when the album is available online.

Anyone you feelin right now in the majors?

Sure. I'm not strictly underground by any means. I'm a Nas fan. I dig "Nothin'" by Nore. Not a lot comes out in the majors that I can get with right now, but they do drop some shit I'm feelin'. I guess Wu Tang is still major right? I've always been a huge Wu head. I can't really think of anymore right now.

I'm a huge Wu fan. Matter of fact I'm listenin to the INS album right now. They've been gettin a lot of heat lately for being inconsistant. You feel the same?

Not really. I feel Wu gets shitted on unfairly more than anyone in the world really. I pretty much dig everything they put out for the most part. The problem is they switch up they're style like every LP that drops and people want another 36 Chambers or Forever. Sometimes it takes a minute for their new shit to grow on me, but it always does. I bump the shit out of Iron Flag. Babies is nuts.

Word! Ghostface has dropped 3 good albums and is considered Wu's savior. You feel the same on that?

I think he's definatly been the most reliable. He's gotten so much iller than 36 Chambers dropped. I love Bulletproof Wallets. I don't know if he's their savior tho, I don't know what they need saving from. The loyal Wu Tang heads will always be there unless they really fuck something up.

Well said. Agreed. Any ladies you wanna bone in SOHH.com?

HAHAHAHA. Uhhhhhhhh, I don't really get into SOHH like that. I don't think I could tell you one girl on the site besdies darealestchick, and thats just cuz she's felt some of my tracks before and we've discussed it. But who am I kiddin', I'll smash just about any girl willing to bring me some herb.

HAHA. Dope. Is Hip Hop going down hill?

I don't think so. Like I said, its still alive and well, you might just have to look beyond the commercial level. A lot of popular shit seems to be half assed now a days, but hip hop is still going strong. I predict in 20 years that old fucks like me will be bumping Wu Tang as our children say "oh my god my dad is so lame". Then they'll turn around and play whoever the neo-jigganelly is.

You ever drink coffee and cut your hair at the same time?

I actually really hate coffe. I've never tried to cut my own hair. I don't think I have the ability to do the fade right. I've smoked weed and made beats at the same time tho.

ILL! Who's the GOAT?

KRS and Chuck D. They're co-goats.

OK. Production GOAT?

Thats a hard one. All time I guess I'd have to go with Primo and Pete Rock. There's so many guys I'd give the nod to equally tho, like Bomb Squad and Large Professor. Today I'm feeling Necro, El P, RJD2...endless guys really.

Do you have a female companion?

Not at the current moment. 99% of the women on the planet just make me really annoyed and angry, while the other 1% are taken. I dont' really get out that much to meet girls lately, I just do my day job, chain smoke, and make tracks in my room. Every girl I've ever been with I either met in High School or met through a mutual friend. I have no game and I don't really care.

LOL! No game?

NONE! I actually have the opposite. Like one time at my boy's party, he threw on a few of my joints. Some girl came up to me and asked me to dance, I was like No. I was just sitting arouund sipping my OE and didn't wanna be bothered, but she was persistant. So eventually I turned around and yelled "I MADE THIS FUCKING SONG! YOU DANCE TO IT!" She left me alone after that.

That's hilarious! lol....Right now I'm interviewing 2 people believe it or not. Yourself & Thik. What's your feelings towards Thik?

He seems to be an odd character, and his opinions on music never cease to confuse me. I dont' know if he's a Terrorwrist fan, but if he is, I love the guy.

Thik says "hi"

Haha. Word. Tell him hola.

Word association time.


Alicia Keys


Tupac Shakur




Rock N Roll

Rolling Rock



Did you ever paint your toenails?

Good god no

Ever think of having sex with fruits or vegetables?

Never fruits. Vegtables if they're fresh.

What kind of vegetables?

SEXAY ones.

Tell me dammit I wanna see if I got any in the fridge!!!!

In the fridge??? What kind of sicko are you???????????????????????

*ahem* I mean you know... I was playin *looks around* *ahem*

I thought this interview was fun for the whole family, then you go talking about the fridge. What kind of operation are you running over there?

I'm bootleggin vegetables now. I don't mess with cd's anymore. Vegetables have proven much more effective that's all! Anyways lets move on.. Think about this.. You're in the woods... You gotta shit... Do you hold it? Or drop a duece right there!?

I've shit in the woods before. Its no big deal. You just gotta find a nice clean and soft leaf to wipe ur ass.

What's your thoughts on SOHH Unofficial?

I dig it. Its new's section is more interesting than SOHH's has been.

Any suggestions on improvements?

Promotion for Otha Ish releases and live streams of prize fights like Doobius vs. Vastaire and Aesop Rock vs. Beatlejuice.

Prize fights?

Yea. Boxing, wrestling, paintball, fishstick on a pole matches, whatever's clever. Winner gets a full turkey.

lol I see. I'll work on that. Anyshout outs or fuck you's?

I wanna say FUCK YOU to Largedoc Solutions. Thats my current day job employer. They try to play a muthafucka. I'm not gonna play myself with a list of shoutouts and forget people. So, shout out to anyone who's ever peeped my shit out and has supported in the past. And look out for these otha mothafuckin' Otha Ish releases. Doobius - "Sexy Anime Statues" EP or LP is in the works. Plus the Otha Ish Productions group/collabo album featuring all 3 members plus ill guest spots is also in the works. Thats that!!!!

WORD! Make sure yall look for the New Jers residents and look out for Terrorwrists LP which is ready to drop. Go peep the website and all that. I wanna thank Terrorwrist for joining me... but one more question before we go.

Is it about cheetos?

Umm........ no. Where did you get your name "Terrowrist" from?

It has about 8 meanings. It actually came from a project me and Venom were doing at one point that never went anywhere. I've always liked watching shit explode. Me and my boy used to make bombs in highschool and shit, nothing amazing, just stuff that goes BOOM. So I liked the name, Venom was the one who came up with the spelling and I ran with it. But I've seriously explained its meaning like 8 different ways before, I dont' know what I'm going with anymore.

Sounds good. haha.. Aight man. Thanks again for doin this and I wish you the best on your music career.

No doubt man, thanks for havin' me do it.

My pleasure!.... peace kid
